Monday, November 14, 2011

Harvey's Hotline #6: Let's Find Somebody to Blame

In his never-ending desire to accuse “Zionism” (translate: “Worldwide Jewish Conspiracy”)—and only “Zionism”—as the source of all evil in the world, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad frequently has highlighted his denial of the Holocaust, saying the anger his comments provoke is a real source of pride for him. 

At issue here is not whether one does or does not approve of the current Israeli government and its policies,  or whether one does or does not support the efforts for true justice in Palestine, but something much deeper; namely, the need to find a “solution” for a nation's ills by assaulting the "other," in this case, the Jewish Zionists  Again, this type of behavior on the part of Ahmadinejad reflects a tragic and revoltingly repetitive pattern in human history. All we need to do, the thinking goes, is to eliminate an entire group of "other" people—who are, after all, all the same and equally deserve extermination—and we'll have paradise on earth. How primitive! How awful!

What can we to combat such deplorable modes of behavior? Well, first of all, we can simply declare that we have the RIGHT as human beings to demand something better. Yes, we can do better than Ahmadinejad. and others of that ilk. Moreover, we have the obligation to REMEMBER, that is, to remind everyone that the martyred victims of countless mass-murders, including millions of innocent children, slaughtered throughout the twentieth century, that "saeculum horribilis," call to us from their unmarked mass-graves for justice, human dignity, and above all the Truth.

There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and Truth.
—Leo Tolstoy

The Truth is on the march, and nobody can stop it.
—Emile Zola 

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