Saturday, November 19, 2011

Harvey's Hotline #11: On Adversity and Truth

"The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially." 
          —ERNEST HEMINGWAY (“A Farewell to Arms”)
“Truth is on the march and nothing will stop it.” 
          —ÉMILE ZOLA (in regard to the Dreyfus Affair)

    “Harvey G.'s” COMMENTARY
 As the Russians say, “life is not like crossing a field.” Everyone faces adversity and experiences moments of despair; nobody is exempt.  

What really counts, therefore, is how you pick yourself up, learn from your mistakes, decide to persevere, and go on. How you face and react to the difficulties and vagaries of life are one of the true measures of an individual.  

Being courageous, honest, and telling the truth—that is, being one of the “very good and the very gentle and the very brave”—will not lead to the acquisition of financial rewards or material success. You may even be cast off by the group or community you once relied on. But you will have spoken the truth and fought the good fight as your conscience and inner voice demanded. As long as you know that, what others say hardly matters.  

Thank you all for being Piersonites!!! You are truly, truly awesome!!!

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